вторник, 6 марта 2012 г.

herb garden in CERES herb garden CERES

herb garden in CERES

herb garden

herb garden CERES

herb garden in CERES.Most vegetable gardens are still miniature versions of old family farm plots, but the kitchen garden is different not only in its , but also its.
The kitchen garden may serve as the central feature of an ornamental, allseason , or it may be little more than a humble plot.
It is a source of , vegetables, and , but it is often also a structured garden space with a design based on repetitive geometric patterns.
The historical design precedent is from the and baroque eras.
The goal is to make the function of providing food aesthetically pleasing.
Plants are chosen as much for their functionality as for their color and form.
Many are trained to grow upward.
A welldesigned potager can provide food, cut flowers and herbs for the home with very little maintenance.
It is a smallscale form of.
A vegetable garden typically includes a , and several plots or divided areas of land, intended to grow one or two types of plant in each plot.
It is usually located to the rear of a property in the or back yard.
Many families have home kitchen and vegetable gardens that they use to produce food.
Food grown in the back yard consumes little if any fuel for shipping or maintenance, and the grower can be sure of what exactly was used to grow it.
There are many types of vegetable gardens.
The potager, a garden in which vegetables, herbs and flowers are grown together, has become more popular than the more traditional rows or blocks.
These gardens may be informal patches of plants, or they may be carefully designed, even to the point of arranging and clipping the plants to form specific patterns, as in a.
Herb gardens may be purely functional or they may include a blend of functional and ornamental plants.
A kitchen garden can be created by planting different herbs in pots or containers, with the added benefit of mobility.
Although not all herbs thrive in pots or containers, some herbs do better than others.
Mint is an example of herb that is advisable to keep in a container or it will take over the whole garden.
Some popular culinary herbs in temperate climates are to a large extent still the same as in the medieval period.
Herbs often have multiple uses.
For example, mint may be used for cooking, tea, and pest control.
Designing the new kitchen garden: an american potager handbook.

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