среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

spot carpet cleaner::Its chief selling point is its handsfree cleaning cycle, which allows the user to set the spot cleaner down over a stain and walk away while it automatically sprays and scrubs spot carpet cleaner

spot carpet cleaner spot carpet cleaner::Its chief selling point is its handsfree cleaning cycle, which allows the user to set the spot cleaner down over a stain and walk away while it automatically sprays and scrubs.
A beep alerts the user when cleaning is complete.
There is also a manual mode that can be used for stairs, upholstery and car interiors.
The spotbot receives rave reviews from users.
We found nearly 750 comments about it at amazon.
Com, with average ratings between 4 and 4.
Owners say the spotbot cleans deepset stains handily and it is incredibly easy to use.
However, we did find some other negatives about the spotbot.
Still, owners love this spot cleaner and say it does what it says: removes stains quickly and easily.
It also comes with a different variety of cleaning solution.
User reviews of the spotbot pet on amazon.
Com are similar to those we found for the regular spotbot.
Instead, the little green has a wand and 3inch nozzle that users pass over the carpet.
The tanks are made of pvcfree plastic, and other plastic parts contain a minimum of 50 percent recycled material.
Even the cardboard container it comes in is mostly recycled, and the cleaning solutions sold with the little green are free of earthunfriendly chemicals such as phosphates and heavy metals.
Org does not include the little green spot cleaner in its ratings, but the editors offer an assessment of its performance on one of the subscriptionfree areas of the site.
Users say it works well on small stains and is easy to assemble and use.
The most common complaint about this carpet cleaner is that the hand tool sprays too wide an area, wetting the carpet all around the brush but not right under it.
One user at walmart.
Com says easing off on the spray button can relieve this problem, while another circumvented it by applying the cleaner with a separate spray bottle.
Some users say the suction on this machine is weak, leaving the carpet too wet.
A few also find it difficult to clean.
Overall, though, this model gets good scores, and it is rapidly amassing a fan base to rival that of the spotbot.
However, reviews of this model were not as favorable as those for the basic little green machine.
spot carpet cleaner::For those of you with this dilemma there is
certainly an solution spot carpet cleaner

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